
netcon.py is a simple intrusion detection/analysis tool that can extract information about running processes, loaded kernel modules, network connections using virtual machine introspection with volatality3.

Primary LanguagePython


netcon.py is a simple intrusion detection/analysis tool that can extract information about running processes, loaded kernel modules, network connections using virtual machine introspection with volatality3.

The tool extracts the information every RUNINTERVAL seconds (configurable), and displays new and missing entries compared to the previous run.

Example output:

Kernel modules (offset, name):

| (-) | 0xffffc054ab40 | floppy |
| (+) | 0xffffc0010180 | md4    |

Processes (pid, ppid, name):

| (+) | 16239 | 1377  | sshd |
| (+) | 16276 | 16239 | bash |
| (+) | 16289 | 16276 | top  |

Active Internet connections (prot, address (src > dst), state, pid/ppid/process):

| (+) | tcp | > | 16239/1377/sshd |

To run the plugin type the command with defined dump file location:

python3 volatility3/vol.py -f dump_location linux.netcon

Or you can run the shell script with the command (mounts the VMI file system using vmifs if it does not exist yet and runs the plugin):

./vmidet.sh $dump_name $time_interval

But before it you need to run:

chmod +x ./vmidet.sh


Downloading Volatility

The plugin requires volatality3 framework installed in order to work. The file “netcon.py” has to be located in “/volatility3/volatality3/plugins/linux” folder. It is required to run the plugin by “volatility” tool. You can get the latest version of the volatality using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility3.git