
Web-based Battleship game relying zero-knowledge proofs and verification

Primary LanguageTypeScriptCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0


License: CC BY-SA 4.0

zkbattleship is a prototype Battleship game built on zkSNARKs proof and verification. Battleship game requires the players to be honest in reporting whether the hits from enemies successfully damaged the battleships or not. zkSNARKs proof enables solid verification without revealing enemies' battleship deployment.

It features the use of Angular 8 for web frontend, web3.js for smart contract interaction and snarkjs for zkSNARKs proof and verification.

The article zk-Battleship: a Use Case Combining snarkjs, web3 and Angular provides a further explanation and sharing about the content in this repository.

See also zkbattleship-circuit for the underlying arithmetic circuit implementation used in zkSNARKs.

Give It a Try

It's currently deployed in Github pages of this repository at (please try with Chrome and MetaMask):



No prior package installation is required, as it can be built via npm commands and operated via Angular CLI. For Angular CLI in particular, see more in the article Setting up the local environment and workspace at Angular website.

The verification of battleship deployment needs a Web3-compatible provider/wallet, such as MetaMask. This allows the web client to interact with the verifier smart contract.

The zkSNARKs proving and verification rely on the circom circuits generated from zkbattleship-circuit. Do go through the steps in here to build.

Optionally, the web client can perform on-chain verification via Web3 in form of smart contract. The verifier smart contract can be generated from zkbattleship-circuit and deployed in local Ethereum blockchain (e.g. ganache-cli) or testnet (e.g. Kovan). See more at Contract Deployment.


The structure of this project follows standard Angular project.

  • src/app includes majority of the code around components and services.
  • src/assets contains the necessary objects used by snarkjs for zkSNARKs proof.
  • docs has the materials used by this README.


  1. git-clone the content to local storage and build via npm:
npm install
  1. in node_modules/@angular-devkit/build-angular/src/angular-cli-files/models/webpack-configs/browser.js, replace
node: false


node: {crypto: true, stream: true}

to ensure that web3.js works with Angular. See more technical details at here.

  1. copy 3 files, namely the underlying circom circuit circuit.json, proving key proving_key.json and verification key verification_key.json, generated circom circuits in zkbattleship-circuit (note: not ZoKrates) to src/assets and src/assets/snark folders respectively:
mkdir -p src/assets/snark

cp ../zkbattleship-circuit/circom/circuit.json src/assets
cp ../zkbattleship-circuit/circom/proving_key.json src/assets/snark/proving_key_groth.json	# note: file renamed
cp ../zkbattleship-circuit/circom/verification_key.json src/assets/snark/verification_key_groth.json	# note: file renamed
  1. compile code and start an interactive local development server:
ng serve


Once the local development server is up using ng serve, access http://localhost:4200.

Here are some instructions for running through the game features:

  1. place 5 battleships (Carrier 🛳️, Battleship ⛴️, Cruiser 🛥️, Submarine 🚤 and Destroyer 🐉) on the battlefield from the fleet;
  2. right-click the battleships in the fleet to rotate;
  3. press 'Start Game' button to start guessing where the battleships are deployed with zero-knowledge proof;
  4. choose between JavaScript and Web3 for verification; for Web3
  5. pick the tile in each turn to observe whether it hits the hidden battleships
    • red is a hit, amber is a miss;
    • further zkSNARKs verification will take place; the state is indicated by Generating Proof (⏳), Verifying (🔵), Verified-Valid (✅) and Verified-Invalid (✖️)

Happy proving and verification!

zkbattleship interface