
This program functions like a bank for Google reCaptcha v2/v3 tokens. It solves it using the selected service tokens in advance, stores them, keeps them alive, and dispenses them to you as soon as they are needed.

Primary LanguagePython

ReadyCaptcha (reCAPTCHA V2/v3)

ReadyCaptcha is a Python-based application designed to manage and distribute Google reCAPTCHA tokens efficiently.

This program functions like a bank for Google reCaptcha v2/v3 tokens. It solves it using the selected service tokens in advance, stores them, keeps them alive, and dispenses them to you as soon as they are needed. It ensures you have a valid token on hand for situations where every second counts, such as registering a visit time or booking appointments.

Supported captcha solving services:

  • cap.guru (recommended)
  • 2captcha.com (aka rucaptcha.com)
  • azcaptcha.com
  • Anti-Captcha.com


  • Dynamically manage a pool of Google reCAPTCHA tokens.
  • Automatically retrieves and refreshes tokens to ensure validity.
  • Provides tokens on demand and immediately replaces them.
  • Discards tokens that have expired after a set duration.
  • Enters a sleep mode during inactivity and reactivates upon request.
  • User-friendly curses interface for monitoring and logging activity.
  • Configurable thread management tailored to specific needs.


Before running ReadyCaptcha, you need to install the required Python libraries. Ensure you have Python 3.6+ installed, then run the following commands:

pip install aiohttp asyncio datetime configparser threading curses


  1. Fill out the config.ini file with the correct API keys and other necessary parameters as follows:

    captcha_life_time = 55
    idle_time_to_sleep = 120
    max_captcha_solve_time = 230
    reCaptchaUrl = "http://api.cap.guru/in.php"
    reCaptchaResultUrl = "http://api.cap.guru/res.php"
    api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    page_url = "https://www.example.com"
    google_key = "YOUR_GOOGLE_SITE_KEY"

    Replace YOUR_API_KEY and YOUR_GOOGLE_SITE_KEY with your actual API keys.

I recommend using cap.guru https://cap.guru/en/regen/?ref=148154 as it currently offers the most cost-effective captcha solving service. However, you can easily use other services like 2captcha.com, azcaptcha.com or Anti-Captcha.com as well. All of these have a similar API structure, and you simply need to specify their in.php and res.php in the config.ini file.


To start the server and the interface, run the following command in your terminal:

python ready_captcha.py

To request a token, use the following URL:


This will provide a live token if available. If no tokens are available, it will return NO_TOKENS_AVAILABLE.

Examples of Using the Service

Python Example

Here's how you can retrieve a token using Python with the requests library. This script attempts to get a token and retries after 5 minutes if none are available.

import requests
import time

url = "http://localhost:8001/getToken"

while True:
    response = requests.get(url)
    token = response.text
    if token != "NO_TOKENS_AVAILABLE":
        reCaptchaV2 = token
        # Wait for 3 seconds before retrying

JavaScript Example

Below is an example of how to request a token using JavaScript with the fetch API.

const url = "http://localhost:8001/getToken";

function getToken() {
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(token => {
            if (token !== "NO_TOKENS_AVAILABLE") {
                console.log("Token received: " + token);
                // Use the token as needed
            } else {
                console.log("No tokens available, retrying in 3 seconds...");
                setTimeout(getToken, 3000); // Retry after 3 seconds
        .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching token:', error));


These examples should guide users in integrating your service with Python and JavaScript applications effectively.


This project is under development. If you have suggestions or feedback, please email them to ant.volnyh@gmail.com.


ReadyCaptcha is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.