
Example project, where I use stack of technologies

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Demo Project

This is a demo project to showcase my work with a specific technology stack.

Quick Overview

If you want run application, please, follow steps on below:

1. Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/AntonZelenkov1997/Witcher.git

2. Install dependencies with yarn/npm

yarn install / npm install

3. Launch project

yarn run dev / npm run dev

What about stack?

Technology Description
Webpack Setup bundle. Include loaders and plugins. Inject Css-modules.
React Javascript library for creating user interfaces.
Mobx State manager for providing data to components.
Sass Css-preprocessor with laconic syntax.
React Router Dom Javascript library for providing routes.
Typescript TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language which builds on JavaScript.
Another libraries or technologies HTML5, CSS3, JS, React-Leaflet, React-Select etc...

Do you using BEM?

Yes and no. BEM is a methodology that avoids the intersection of class names for elements of an HTML page. In standard situations I use this methodology, but, in this project, the Css-Modules approach was used, which solves the problem of overlapping names. There is also the technology of the CSS in JS, which also solves this problem.