
Continuous Testing with Python --> | Selenium | Gherkin | Cucumber | Firebase | Cloud Firestore | Pytest | Unittest | Playwright | QA | Linux | | Selenium WebDriver | CI/CD | Jenkins | Automated Tests | Tester | Software Engineering Analyst | Software Tester | Bash | Git | GitHub Actions | SQL & NoSQL |

Primary LanguagePython

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Python Tests

Backend tests:

  • An automated endpoint test circuit is created by making the different calls implemented on them, using the requests library.
  • Sometimes it connects with Cloud Firestore to be able to take data as unique identifiers to be able to set them in the next call as an environment variable since the response is empty.
  • Being able to delete data created from cloud firestore or using the corresponding endpoint (delete) if applicable.  

Frontend tests:

  • Selenium is used as a working framework together with pytest to structure the implemented code
  •     Among the libraries used:
  •         Faker: to generate random data in tests
  •         DesiredCapabilities: to capture logs
  •         Other Selenium libraries
  • Playwright used briefly as practice to understand its syntax and operation.
  • Continuous testing

    • Jenkins is used as a continuous integration tool. Create a freestyle project that includes the development branches, a cronjob with the desired runtimes, and a windows console run that sends to the project directory and runs the script.