WebXR Virtual Garden Prototype

Master Project: This project was created as part of a masters thesis about "Analysis and comparison of WebXR frameworks using the example of a multi-user application" by Antonia Berger, s0550486, HTW Berlin (University of Applied Sciences), 2021

Based on:



Requires NodeJS v12.0.0+

How to run locally

  1. Clone the repo, e.g git clone https://github.com/AntoniaBe/Master_WebXR_Virtual_Garden_Prototype.git
  2. cd Babylonjs-colyseus-webxr-multiUser

Client Installation

cd Master_WebXR_Virtual_Garden_Prototype/client
npm install

Now you can build and run it by running:

npm start

Server Installation

cd Master_WebXR_Virtual_Garden_Prototype/server
npm install

Now you can build and run it by running:

npm start

A browser window should now automatically open. If not, go to localhost:3000.