
Halloween Treats Worldwide Rails App

Primary LanguageRuby


Halloween Treats Worldwide Rails App - Example App for Lecture and Basis for Rails Exercises

Build Status

This is the source code for Exercise 06 - Rails First Steps.

Rails Dash - App Creation

Here's my bash history with all the commands I ran in the lecture:

506  mkdir ss2014
507  cd ss2014
508  rails new HTW
512  cd HTW/
514  ls -lart
515  less .gitignore
516  git init
517  git status
519  git add .
520  git commit -m "rails new"
521  rails server

(stopped rails server with ctrl-c)

523  rails s

(second window, as rails server runs in first)

503  cd ss2014/HTW/
504  open
522  git checkout -b scaffold
505  rails generate
506  rails generate scaffold Pumpkin type:string color:string size:integer  price:decimal
507  git add .
508  git commit -m "rails g scaffold Pumpkin"
509  git status
510  bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
511  git status
512  git add .
513  git commit -m "db:migrate"
514  subl .
515  git status
516  ls
517  rake db:rollback
518  subl .
519  rake db:migrate
520  rake routes
521  subl config/routes.rb
522  rails onsole
523  git status
524  rails c
525  rails g migration ChangeTypeColumnInPumpkins name:string
526  subl db/migrate/20140613150414_change_type_column_in_pumpkins.rb
527  rake db:migrate
528  git status
529  less db/schema.rb
530  git add .
531  git commit -m "changed type column to name"
532  rake
533  rake
534  git add .
535  git commit -m "replaced occ. of type with name, tests running"
536  git status
537  git checkout master
538  git lg1
539  git merge scaffold
540  git lg1
541  git remote add origin git@github.com:htw-imi-info3/HTW.git
542  git push origin master
543  history