A tool to compare two Excel or OpenOffice files (.xlsx or .ods format) with annotation of the differences. The files to be compared must have the same basic structure. That means the labels and the number of their sheets must be the same in both files.
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install --upgrade pip
Clone the repo or download the latest release in .zip or .tar.gz format.
Check if wget
is installed:
which wget; echo $?
If wget
isn't installed, it's command returns 1.
If necessary install wget
sudo apt install wget
For .tar.gz format execute the following command in terminal:
wget https://github.com/AntonieV/SpreadSheetDiff/archive/refs/tags/latest.tar.gz -O - | tar -xz
Check if unzip
and wget
are installed:
which unzip; echo $?
which wget; echo $?
If one of the tools isn't installed, it's command returns 1.
If necessary install wget
and/or unzip
sudo apt install unzip
sudo apt install wget
For .zip format execute the following command in terminal:
wget https://github.com/AntonieV/SpreadSheetDiff/archive/refs/tags/latest.zip
unzip latest.zip
rm latest.zip
cd SpreadSheetDiff
pip3 install .
As input .xlsx or .ods files are accepted.
The differences are stored in the cells of an .xlsx results file. A difference
is marked in corresponding cell with >>>
annotation between the different
values: [value of first input file] >>> [value of second input file]
In addition, they are stored with the corresponding cell localization (sheet name, row and column) in a SpreadSheetDiff_annotations file in .txt format:
spreadsheetdiff -h
Help output:
usage: spreadsheetdiff [-h] -i INPUT_FILES INPUT_FILES -o OUT_DIR [-b] [-c BG_COLOR] [-v] [-q]
A tool to compare two excel files with annotation of the differences.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Two paths to the Excel files (.xlsx or .ods format) to be compared with each other.
-o OUT_DIR, --out-dir OUT_DIR
Path to the output directory.
-b, --bold Displays differences in resulting spreadsheet in bold text style.
-c BG_COLOR, --bg-color BG_COLOR
Displays differences in resulting spreadsheet in a specific color. The color has to be given in quoted hex color code (e.g.
'#ff0000') or color name (e.g. red).
-v, --verbose Increase output verbosity to debug level.
-q, --quiet Decrease output verbosity to warning level. Ignores -v flag.
spreadsheetdiff -v -c '#ff0000' -b -i ../test_table_1.ods ../test_table_3.xlsx -o ../diff
spreadsheetdiff -q -c 'yellow' -i ../test_table_3.xlsx ../test_table_4.xlsx -o ../diff
Example output:
31-07-2022 22:32:25 | INFO | Starting SpreadSheetDiff analysis...
31-07-2022 22:32:25 | INFO | Analysing sheet 'Tabelle1'
31-07-2022 22:32:25 | INFO | In sheet 'Tabelle1' [row: 7, col: Test2]: dfghd >>> asdf
31-07-2022 22:32:25 | INFO | In sheet 'Tabelle1' [row: 13, col: Test1]: 12 >>> 112
31-07-2022 22:32:25 | INFO | Analysing sheet 'Tabelle2'
31-07-2022 22:32:25 | INFO | SpreadSheetDiff analysis finished!
python3 spreadsheetdiff/main.py -v -i ../file_3.xlsx ../file_2.ods -o ../diff
from spreadsheetdiff import main as ssd
style = [("bold", True), ("bg_color", "#ff0000")]
ssd.compare_excel_files('../file_1.ods', '../file_2.ods', '../diff', style)
style = [("bg_color", "yellow")]
ssd.compare_excel_files('../file_1.ods', '../file_3.xlsx', '../diff', style)
pip3 uninstall spreadsheetdiff