
Luxembourg gardens tennis court automated booking system

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Luxembourg gardens tennis court automated booking bot.


Luxembook is a CLI application that automates the process of booking a tennis court on the FFT online booking platform using Selenium web browser automation technology.

Running locally without Docker (macOS)

  1. Install dev and runtime dependencies: poetry install
  2. Download the chromedriver executable archive matching your locally installed version of chrome
  3. Unzip the chromedriver executable archive and move it to ~/.local/bin
  4. Set the username and passwordenvironment variables with your login credentials
  5. Run python src/luxembook.py true for dry run mode
  6. If macOS complains, bypass untrusted software quarantine: xattr -d com.apple.quarantine chromedriver

Running locally using Docker

  1. Make sure you have Docker locally installed and running
  2. From the root of the repository, run :docker build . -t luxembook:latest to build the docker image
  3. Then run docker run --env username={your_username} --env password={your_password} luxembook


Use at your own risk.
