
Following the project requirements, we decided to create a book library. The books in the library have title, author, genre and availability status. The library has users with names, addresses and a collection of taken books. The project implements the following commands: Create Book, Add User, Add Book, Remove Book, Find Book by Title/ by Author/ by Genre, Show books by User.

Primary LanguageC#


Team: Alex Niklev, Antonio Iliev, Nevena Nikolova

GitLab URL: https://gitlab.com/Antonio.Iliev/book4you.git

Trello URL: https://trello.com/b/i9XaBJnS/library-management-system

Mind Map URL: https://gitlab.com/Antonio.Iliev/book4you/blob/master/Book_4_You.pdf

Team Leader: Nevena Nikolova

Project Features:

Following the project requirements, we decided to create a book library. The books in the library have title, author, genre and availability status. The library has users with names, addresses and a collection of taken books. The project implements the following commands: Create Book, Add User, Add Book, Remove Book, Find Book by Title/ by Author/ by Genre, Show books by User.