
A collection of hand on notebook for LLMs practitioner

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Guide for LLM Practitioners

Welcome to the repository for LLM (Large Language Model) engineers! This collection of Jupyter Notebooks is designed to collect pratical aspects of our job. I will collect and add jupyter and/or script for learning and experimenting purpose.

Notebooks Included

Notebook Description Url
1_understanding_llms_benchmarks.ipynb This notebook provides an explanation of the main benchmarks used in the openLLM leaderboard. It aims to help you grasp the key metrics and methodologies used in benchmarking LLMs. Link
2_quantization_base.ipynb In this notebook, you'll learn how to open a Hugging Face model in 8-bit and 4-bit using the BitandBytes library. Quantization is a crucial technique for optimizing model performance and resource usage, and this notebook guides you through the process. Link
3_quantization_gptq.ipynb Explore quantization in GPTQ format using the auto-gptq library with this notebook. GPTQ format is gaining popularity for its effectiveness in compressing and quantizing large models like GPT. Learn how to leverage this format for your models. Link
4_quantization_exllamav2.ipynb How to quantize a model from HF to exllamav2 Link
5_sharding_and_offloading.ipynb How to shard a model in multiple chunk. This allow to load it on different devices or load one at time managing memory. Learn how to offload some layer to CPU or even disk Link
6_gguf_quantization_and_inference.ipynb Quantize a model into GGUF using the llama.cpp library. Inferencing on OpenAI-compatible server. Link
7_gguf_split_and_load.ipynb Split a GGUF Quantized model in multiple parts, making it easily sharable Link
8_hqq_quantization.ipynb Explore quantization using Half-Quadratic Quantization (HQQ) Link
9_inference_big_model_cpu_plus_gpu.ipynb This notebook shows how to calculate the RAM required by a quantized GGUF model and how to load it into memory using both RAM and VRAM, optimizing the number of layers that can be offloaded to the GPU. The notebook demonstrates loading Qwen/Qwen1.5-32B-Chat-GGUF as an example on a system with a T4 15GB VRAM and approximately 32GB of RAM Link
a10_inference_llama3.ipynb LLama3 has been released. This notebook demonstrates how to run LLama3-8B-Instruct half precision if you have access to a GPU with 24GB of VRAM, quantized to 8 bits if you have 10GB of VRAM, and shows how to run the Q8 GGUF version to achieve maximum performance if you only have 10GB of VRAM. Link
a11_llm_guardrails_using_llama3_guard.ipynb Protect your backend and your generative AI applications using LLama3-guard-2. In this notebook, I show you how to set up a server using 10GB of VRAM and how to perform inference through HTTP POST requests. Link
a12_speculative_decoding.ipynb The notebook practically describes and demonstrates the technique of 'speculative decoding' to increase the tokens/second generated by a Target Model through the use of a smaller and lighter Draft Model. Example realized on LLama-3-70B-Instruct (Target) and LLama-3-8B-Instruct (Draft). Link


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Happy learning and experimenting with LLMs! 🚀