A repository for my internship at DevriX. It is a small project for creating a website for job offers, using PHP.
- Install XAMPP (https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html).
- Clone this repository into /xampp/htdocs folder.
- Open the project and create a file 'db_connection.php' in the /php folder.
- Copy the following code and paste it in the file you just created:
function OpenCon() {
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuser = "*your_user*";
$dbpass = "*your_password*";
$db = "devrix";
$conn = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass,$db) or die("Connect failed: %s\n". $conn -> error);
return $conn;
function CloseCon($conn) {
$conn -> close();
- Open the XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL modules.
- Copy the contents of the db_config.sql file and execute them in a MySQL Console.
- Open a browser of your choice and type in the search bar: 'localhost/DevriX-Internship-Jobs-Website/'.
- If you want to use the admin features, you will need to manually go to the 'localhost/DevriX-Internship-Jobs-Website/register.php' and register an admin user.