
Vagrant Projects

Primary LanguageShell

Vagrant Projects

I am working on setting up Vagrant for Windows 10 and experimenting with Virtualbox, HyperV, and VMware Workstation. I have tested and discarded HyperV for now, there are just too many bugs and challenges with networking and mounting shared folders. I really wanted to use HyperV since it is required if you want to install and use Docker4Windows, and I wanted to use a completely Microsoft/Windows toolset. But - both D4W and HyperV are still WIP.

VMware Workstation is TBD

NOTE - All of these examples are built/run using Windows 10 "Holiday Edition" and PowerShell.

Getting Started

You will need at least these 2 utilities:

Customize your workspace to make things easier and get a good IDE/text editor

There are many tutorials out there on getting Virtualbox and Vagrant installed so I won't try to replicate them here but there are some things I highly recommend you setup and configure on your laptop.

  • ConEmu - Windows terminal replacement can be configured to give "iterm like" functionality
  • Visual Studio Code - Free and lightweight version of Visual Studio

Powershell wrapper function for git:

function gpush {
    git add -A; git commit -m $message; git push origin master


  • Karl Vietmeier


  • All of my colleagues at Intel who have been willing test subjects