A* search for Lua, written for pathfinding maps in the LOVE2D game engine. http://love2d.org/ You can find the demo in the Downloads link in this repository. Use astar_good.lua for any projects you wish to use LoveAStar in. CONTROLS FOR THE VISUAL DEMO: MOUSE: Left-click: places the start node (green rectangle) SHIFT+Left-click: places a wall Right-click: places the end node (red rectangle) KEYBOARD: W: toggles the drawing of the walls M: toggles the ability to change the map (which stops the calls to flattenMap(), to show the speed of A*) TAB: calls A* once F2: resets the program P: toggles the stress test [: Decreases the number of consecutive calls to A* during the stress test (clamped at 1) ]: Increases the number of consecutive calls to A* during the stress test ESC: Quits the program