iOs Swift 4 Chat made with Clean Architecture
All the backend is implemented with Firebase. You can find:
- Firebase Analytics
- Firebase Auth with email implementation (Authentication!)
- Firebase Real Time Database (Saving data)
- Firebase Cloud Storage (Saving images)
- Firebase Cloud Messaging (Push Notifications)
- Firebase Crashlytics (Crashes!)
I have also used:
- Kingfisher (Downloading&Caching Images)
- MessageKit (Chat UI)
I'm using Pods in this project. You don't need to install it, they are inside the repo
- Don't open .xcodeproj file, open xcworkspace instead. Otherwise, you will come across different compiling issues.
- Push notifications might not work on a iOs simulator 😅. Try using your own iPhone
You can also find a Firebase Cloud Functions sending push notifications and updating data from a real time database write