Hi There! 👋
This is the final project in the curriculum. This app uses React, Redux, React Router as well as Node.js. A person can type in a movie name and get back a set of results based off the input, hitting the OMDB API. A listing of movies will be displayed along with some general info about the movie. You can then click on the 'More information' button which will take you to another page with more detailed info about the movie. You can then hit the back button when you are done to return to the previous page. This app comes with built in caching capabilities for the search term, so you don't have to hit the API again if the same term is searched a second time.
To start, clone the repository, npm install. You will need to create a .env file to store your api key from OMDB once you obtain one. Once setup, run npm run dev
to start the program.
Enjoy 👍