
Adds a CASSIE scan and tells the last human alive to end rounds quicker

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



You can install this plugin by downloading the .dll file and placeing it in %AppData%\Roaming\EXILED\Plugins (Windows) or ~/.config/EXILED/Plugins (Linux)


Type Name Default Value Description
bool IsEnabled true Should SpotLastSurvivor be enabled?
bool IsDebug false Should Debug mod be enabled?
bool CassieScanAnnounce true Enable Cassie throwing an annonce of a scan when only one survivor remains
string CassieAnnounceMessage "SCANNING FOR LAST HUMAN" Cassie scan message
float ScanningTime 30f Time cassie take before telling where the last survivor is (seconds) after the scan message
float RespawnTiming 90f Time before a respawn where no scan will be performed
[Description("Should SpotLastSurvivor be enabled?")]
public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } = true;

public bool Debug { get; set; } = false;

[Description("Enable Cassie throwing an annonce of a scan")]
public bool CassieScanAnnounce { get; set; } = true;

[Description("Cassie scan message")]
public string CassieAnnounceMessage { get; set; } = "SCANNING FOR LAST HUMAN";

[Description("Time cassie take before telling where the last survivor is (seconds) after the scan")]
public float ScanningTime { get; set; } = 30f;

[Description("Time before the respawn where no scan will be performed")]
public float RespawnTiming { get; set; } = 90f;


When the second to last player dies cassie starts scanning the whole facility to find the last human survivor by default it takes 30 seconds and then make an announcement where the player is located.


The permission you can give in the permission file:

- scan

Open your Remote Admin Console and write:

scan or togglescan to activate or desactivate the scaning features