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Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

unbound Manager/Installer script for ASUS Router running RMerlin firmware.


Enable SSH on router, then use your preferred SSH Client e.g. Xshell6,MobaXterm, PuTTY etc. to copy'n'paste:

mkdir /jffs/addons 2>/dev/null;mkdir /jffs/addons/unbound 2>/dev/null; curl --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MartineauUK/Unbound-Asuswrt-Merlin/master/unbound_manager.sh" -o "/jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_manager.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_manager.sh" && /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_manager.sh

To execute the utility, you may then use the alias


NOTE: For a standard screen display 1024x768 (or its modern popular equivalent 1366×768), using Xshell6/MobaXterm, you can dynamically change the font size using the CTRL+Mouse-scroll wheel to have a full-screen recommended unbound_manager window 191x37

If using PuTTY I suggest you use PuTTY-url (v0.73) and manually set the unbound_manager window size 191x37 with font 'Terminal 9-point' (unbound_manager can/will display clickable URLs and basic PuTTY won't open the links)

|  Welcome to the unbound Manager/Installation script (Asuswrt-Merlin) |
|  Version 2.01 by Martineau                                           |
|                                                                      |
| Requirements: USB drive with Entware installed                       |
|                                                                      |
|   i = Install unbound DNS Server - Advanced Mode                     |
|       o1. Enable unbound Logging                                     |
|       o2. Integrate with Stubby                                      |
|       o3. Install Ad and Tracker Blocking                            |
|       o4. Customise CPU/Memory usage (Advanced Users)                |
|       o5. Disable Firefox DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) (USA users)           |
|                                                                      |
|   z  = Remove Existing unbound Installation                          |
|   ?  = About Configuration                                           |
|                                                                      |
| You can also use this script to uninstall unbound to back out the    |
| changes made during the installation. See the project repository at  |
|         https://github.com/rgnldo/unbound-Asuswrt-Merlin             |
|     for helpful user tips on unbound usage/configuration.            |

unbound (pid 3113) is running... uptime: 0 Days, 01:14:24 version: 1.9.3 (# rgnldo User Install Custom Version vx.xx (Date Loaded by unbound_installer Fri Jan 10 11:43:15 GMT 2020))

i  = Update unbound Installation ('/opt/var/lib/unbound/')      l  = Show unbound LIVE log entries (lx=Disable Logging)
z  = Remove Existing unbound Installation                       v  = View ('/opt/var/lib/unbound/') unbound Configuration (vx=Edit; vh=View Example Configuration) 
3  = Advanced Tools                                             rl = Reload Configuration (Doesn't halt unbound) e.g. 'rl test1[.conf]' (Recovery use 'rl reset/user')
?  = About Configuration                                        oq = Query unbound Configuration option e.g 'oq verbosity' (ox=Set) e.g. 'ox log-queries yes'

rs = Restart (or Start) unbound                                 s  = Show unbound statistics (s=Summary Totals; sa=All; s+=Enable Extended Stats)

e  = Exit Script

A:Option ==> ?

	Local						md5=2522e397a5bb40529acbd3722b50fcee
	Github						md5=2522e397a5bb40529acbd3722b50fcee
	/jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_manager.md5	md5=2522e397a5bb40529acbd3722b50fcee

New in v1.20 is the ability to specify which User Selectable options are to be installed without having to manually reply to each individual feature prompt

e.g. Auto install both options

 o4. Customise CPU/Memory usage (Advanced Users)   
 o5. Disable Firefox DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) (USA users)  
e  = Exit Script

Option ==> i 5 4


Customising Unbound configuration Options:
Option Auto Reply 'y'	Customising Unbound Performance/Memory 'proc/sys/net' parameters
	stuning downloaded successfully
Applying Unbound Performance/Memory tweaks using '/jffs/scripts/stuning'
Restarting dnsmasq.....
 Starting unbound...              done. 
Option Auto Reply 'y'	Installing Firefox DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) DISABLE/Blocker....
	adblock/firefox_DOH downloaded successfully
Adding Firefox DoH 'include: /opt/var/lib/unbound/adblock/firefox_DOH'


Auto install Customisation complete 0 minutes and 48 seconds elapsed - Please wait for up to 10 seconds for status.....

Option ==> ?

	Local					md5=f94581fc563a351b6caddc27607b0b3a
	Github					md5=f94581fc563a351b6caddc27607b0b3a
	/jffs/scripts/unbound_manager.md5	md5=f94581fc563a351b6caddc27607b0b3a

	Router Configuration recommended pre-reqs status:

	[✔] Swapfile=262140 kB
	[✖] ***ERROR DNS Filter is OFF!  						see LAN->DNSFilter Enable DNS-based Filtering
	[✖] ***ERROR WAN: Use local caching DNS server as system resolver=YES  		see ->Advanced Tweaks and Hacks
	[✖] ***ERROR Enable local NTP server=NO  					see ->Basic Config
	[✔] Enable DNS Rebind protection=NO
	[✔] Enable DNSSEC support=NO

	Options (Auto Reply=Y for Options '4 5'):

	[✔] Unbound CPU/Memory Performance tweaks
	[✔] Firefox DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) DISABLE/Blocker

The script will remember the Auto Selected Options (for the current session) so you may simply specify the additional Auto install Option feature(s)

e.g. include additional option

 o3. Ad and Tracker Blocking
e  = Exit Script

Option ==> i 3


	Options (Auto Reply=Y for Options '3 4 5'):

	[✔] Ad and Tracker Blocking (No. of Adblock domains 63400, - Warning Diversion is also ACTIVE)
	[✔] Unbound CPU/Memory Performance tweaks
	[✔] Firefox DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) DISABLE/Blocker

To Auto reply to ALL of the Selectable User Options, rather than manually enter the complete list, simply use:

e  = Exit Script

Option ==> i all

To reinstate ALL Selectable User Option prompts issue

e  = Exit Script

Option ==> i?

v1.21 now allows dumbing down of the menus ('Easy Mode') and will be used when invoked from amtm

(When invoked direct from the commandline the default is 'Advanced Mode')

|  Welcome to the unbound-Manager/Installation-Asuswrt-Merlin script   |
|  Version 1.21 by Martineau                                           |
|                                                                      |
| Requirements: USB drive with Entware installed                       |
|                                                                      |
|   1 = Install unbound DNS Server                                     |
|                                                                      |
|   2 = Install unbound DNS Server - Advanced Mode                     |
|       o1. Enable unbound Logging                                     |
|       o2. Integrate with Stubby                                      |
|       o3. Install Ad and Tracker Blocking                            |
|       o4. Customise CPU/Memory usage (Advanced Users)                |
|       o5. Disable Firefox DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) (USA users)           |
|                                                                      |
|   3 = Advanced Tools                                                 |
|                                                                      |
| You can also use this script to uninstall unbound to back out the    |
| changes made during the installation. See the project repository at  |
|         https://github.com/rgnldo/unbound-Asuswrt-Merlin             |
|     for helpful user tips on unbound usage/configuration.            |

unbound (pid 20593) is running... uptime: 0 Days, 16:45:47 version: 1.9.3 (# rgnldo User Install Custom Version vx.xx (Date Loaded by unbound_installer Mon Jan 13 19:42:33 GMT 2020))

1  = Begin unbound Installation Process ('/opt/var/lib/unbound/')
2  = Begin unbound Advanced Installation Process ('/opt/var/lib/unbound/')
3  = Advanced Tools


e  = Exit Script

E:Option ==> 

You can override the default 'Advanced mode' startup i.e switch to 'Easy mode' from the command line by using

unbound_manager easy

or you can quickly change modes at the option prompt

e  = Exit Script

E:Option ==> [ easy | advanced ]