
Samples for Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Javascript edition

Primary LanguageHTML

Dynamsoft Barcode Reader samples for the web

This repository contains multiple samples that demonstrates how to use the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader JavaScript Edition.

Hello World

Get the basic features of the library working with plain/native JavaScript or within a framework like Angular, React or Vue, etc.

  • Simplest Implementation: Minimum necessary JavaScript code to get the BarcodeScanner (video) up and running.
  • Read an Existing Image: Decode barcodes using images that are stored locally, whether on mobile or desktop.
  • Hello World in Angular: Decode video stream in an Angular Application from a USB-connected or built-in camera (mobile or desktop).
  • Hello World in React: Decode video stream in a React Application from a USB-connected or built-in camera (mobile or desktop).
  • Hello World in Vue 2: Decode video stream in a Vue 2 Application from a USB-connected or built-in camera (mobile or desktop).
  • Hello World in Vue 3: Decode video stream in a Vue 3 Application from a USB-connected or built-in camera (mobile or desktop).
  • Hello World in Next.js: Decode video stream in a Next.js Application from a USB-connected or built-in camera (mobile or desktop).
  • Hello World in Nuxt: Decode video stream in a Nuxt Application from a USB-connected or built-in camera (mobile or desktop).
  • Hello World in Electron: Decode video stream in a Electron Application from a USB-connected or built-in camera (desktop only).
  • Hello World in PWA: Decode video stream in a PWA Application from a USB-connected or built-in camera (mobile or desktop).
  • Hello World with RequireJS: Decode video stream in a simple Application using RequireJS from a USB-connected or built-in camera (mobile or desktop).
  • Hello World with webpack: Decode video stream in a simple Application using webpack from a USB-connected or built-in camera (mobile or desktop).

Customize Camera UI

  • Use the Default Camera UI: Show the default camera UI to decode video stream from a USB-connected or built-in camera (mobile or desktop).
  • Hide Built-in Controllers: Hide built-in UI elements (camera selection, resolution selection, etc.) and show only the video stream.
  • Use External Controllers: Use custom controllers to manipulate the Camera UI.
  • Enlarge the Video Stream: Enlarge the video stream temporarily to read a barcode.

Parameter Settings

How to configure different settings of the library.

  • Formats and Count: Set the barcode formats and control the number of barcodes to read per image/frame.
  • Localization and Binarization: Set how localization and binarization are done during barcode decoding.
  • Blurry or Small codes: Set DeblurModes and ScaleUpModes for decoding blurry or small barcodes.
  • Deformed or Incomplete codes: Set DeformationResistingModes or BarcodeComplementModes for decoding deformed or incomplete barcodes.
  • Define or Detect the Region: Set the region of interest manually or regionPredetectionModes to speed up the reading process.

Use Case

Use cases of the library.

  • Read Video and Fill a Form: Read barcodes to fill a form.
  • Read a Driver's License: Read the PDF417 barcode on a driver's license (AAMVA compliant) and parse it.


  • Debug: Collect the actual image frames for debugging purposes.

If you have any questions with these samples, feel free to submit an issue or contact us.