
A web app to register for membership in an organization

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a platform that allows users to register for membership in an organisation. It is built of top of a MYSQL Database, and has two main functionalities:

  • Displaying the current membership count (SELECT statement)
  • Registering new members (INSERT INTO statement)


The basic steps in building the app are as follows:

  1. Create a MYSQL Database, called "aiden_foundation" (aiden_foundation.sql)
  2. Create a table inside this database which we'll call "members". This table has five columns:
    1. id: the index/primary key
    2. first_name: members's first name
    3. last_name: members's last name
    4. profession: members's profession
    5. created_at: date of registration
  3. Generate random data and insert into the table ("generate_random_data.js"). This is has been done using javascript using the faker(for random data generation) and msyql(to connect to MySQL) packages
  4. Create our main javasacript file -app.js-, an EJS file -./views/home.ejs- (which is just HTML file that allows us to right javascript codes) and CSS file -./public/app.css- for styling. Switch the view engine in our main js ile to EJS template
  5. Create two route inside our main js file:
    1. GET route to execute the SELECT statement to display the total nummber of members.
    2. POST route to execute the INSERT INTO statement
  6. Link the js file to the ejs

Final Output