Git [ http://git-scm.com/downloads ]
Java 8 [ http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html ]
TestNG [ http://testng.org/doc/ ]
Gradle [https://gradle.org/]
Selenide [http://selenide.org/]
some IDE [I prefer IntelliJ IDEA]
for mobile testing [brew install carthage]
Install GIT:
Install Java: https://java.com/en/download/help/mac_install.xml
Install Gradle:
- brew install gradle
- Open the terminal / console and Initialize the project using GIT; then clone the project using below command: git clone ${repository_url}
- Once the project is cloned successfully, open the terminal and navigate to the project root directory.
- And run the following command to start the tests:
- ./gradlew test
Currently, the rocket-test is not available on remote maven central repository. Therefore, need to install the rocket-test in local .m2 repository in order to use the dependency with other project.
- Open rocket-test on your machine in IDE (Intellij)
- Navigate to Gradle (on right pane) -> Tasks -> other and execute install task.
- Open your Gradle Project and reconfigure build.gradle file:
- set compile group: 'rocket-test', name: 'rocket-test-core', version: '1.0' dependency in dependency section
- set mavenLocal() in repositories section. It allows use the rocket-test dependency from your local maven .m2 repository.
To run mysql dump successfully install mysql client.
Add to PATH env variable path to mysql.exe client folder.
- ./gradlew test