The original code for the paper "Benchmarks for Continual Few-Shot Learning".
- 1170300714
- abdelSydney, Australia
- abhilashreddys@meesho
- affogatoCerenaut
- AnShukun
- ArchitParnamiUnited States
- Betty-code12
- byeolyi
- ceevaaa
- chen-yil
- ChristophAltBayer
- CSer-Tang-haoThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- dongnana777
- georgosgeorgosDTU Compute
- heurainbow
- hugddygff
- iCGY96Peking University
- imr555Neovotech
- interactivetechNYC
- jacobdanovitchMicrosoft
- jgmizeTulsa, OK
- JinhuaLiangLondon
- letme-hjSeoul, Republic of Korea
- liujianzhao6328057
- lsgn12138
- mpatacchiolaUniversity of Cambridge
- Murplugg
- sevroTessier-Ashpool S.A.
- shyamsn97
- txw1997
- Veagau
- VitvickyUniversity of Texas at Dallas
- WatsonWangZhPeking University
- wutong8023Southeast University; Monash University