My competencies

I'm full-time enthusiast, networker and navigator
Every day I learn something new
I like to create connections, to draw, to play guitar, to sing songs, to write a poetry, to make videos, and to develop interesting projects!
I'm Immortalist, Posthumanist and Decentralist
I believe in friendship

I'm a founder of POSTHUMAN Validator

I'm a founder of Metarchy

I'm a co-founder of Distributed Validators Synctems

I'm a co-founder of the Validator School

I'm a co-founder of Sputnik Network App-chain

I'm a mentor in the Ambassadors School

My YouTube channels and Playlists

Screenshot from 2021-12-28 21-00-38

Screenshot from 2021-12-28 21-05-47

Screenshot from 2021-12-28 21-08-34

I'm a networker & navigator of the Sputnik Network:

I'm admin or creator of the next groups:

Cosmos Network Community:

Cosmos Ecosystem Community:

Persistence Community:

Starname Community:

Osmosis Community:

Kava Community:

Juno Network Community:

LikeCoin Community:

Ki Chain Community:

Terra Community:

Secret Network Community:

OmniFlix Network Community:

Mina Protocol Community:

Umee Community:

MediBloc Community:

Rizon Community:

GAME Community:

Pylons Community:

FirmaChain Community:

ODIN Protocol Community:

Robonomics Airlab Community:

I'm a resident of ForkLog:

I'm a resident of S3XYBTC:

I'm an organisator of the Validator Show on Cosmos TV:

I help to the project Aigents:

Russian-speaking Aigents Community

I help to the project Blind Dev:

Educational chat for blind people

Also I'm owner or admin in this groups: