This is a Spring Boot MVC application which fetches Common Workflow Language files from a Github repository and creates a page for it detailing the main workflow and its inputs, outputs and steps.
Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file for details, and for required attribution notices.
Feel free to contribute! You may raise an issue, provide a pull request or join the gitter chat for cwlviewer!
You are recommended to use the production instance of CWL Viewer at which runs the latest release. Any downtime should be reported on the gitter chat for cwlviewer.
If you are a developer, or you want to use the CWL Viewer in a closed environment, then you can run your own instance.
This application can be started with Docker and Docker Compose.
To start CWLViewer exposed on port 8080
, run:
docker-compose up
To stop and remove:
docker-compose down
If you change the source code, then use this docker-compose.override.yml
re-build with docker-compose build
version: '3.2'
build: .
See the docker-compose.yml file for details.
If you have modified the source code, then you may want to build the docker image locally first:
docker build -t commonworkflowlanguage/cwlviewer .
You will need to have MongoDB running,
by default on localhost:27017
If you are running from the command line, you can override this by supplying
system properties like
You will also need to have a SPARQL server such as Apache Jena Fuseki running,
by default on localhost:3030
To compile you will need Java 8 or OpenJDK 8 (apt install openjdk-8-jdk
as well as Apache Maven 3 (apt install maven
Spring Boot uses an embedded HTTP server. The Spring Boot Maven plugin includes a run goal which can be used to quickly compile and run it:
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Alternatively, you can run the application from your IDE as a simple Java application by importing the Maven project.
You need to install Graphviz for all unit tests to pass.
You can create an executable JAR file by using:
mvn clean install
Afterwards, run:
java -jar target/cwlviewer*.jar
(The exact filename will vary per version)
Once CWL Viewer is running, you should see log output somewhat like:
s.b.c.e.t.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http)
org.researchobject.CwlViewerApplication : Started CwlViewerApplication in 28.604 seconds
Now check out http://localhost:8080/ to access CWL Viewer.
There are a variety of configuration options detailed in the application configuration file which can be adjusted.
When deploying with docker, these can be overriden externally by creating/modifying docker-compose.override.yml
as follows:
version: '3.2'
applicationName: Common Workflow Language Viewer
cacheDays: 1
The properties can alternatively be provided as system properties on the
command line, e.g. -DcacheDays=1
or via a variety of other methods supported by Spring Boot
While you can perform backup of the Docker volumes, for larger upgrades of CWL Viewer it is recommended instead to do a JSON dump and re-load, which will force CWL Viewer to fetch and parse again.
The script
can be used for regular backups, it will store the full
output of /workflows as a timestamped gzip-compressed JSON file:
$ ./ /var/backups/cwl
The script
(requires Python 3) can be used to restore from such JSON dumps:
./ /var/backups/cwl/2018-06-06T135133+0000.json.gz
The optional parameter --no-commits
can be added to skip those entries that
look like a commit ID. Note that this might break previous permalinks.
Developers and contributors include:
- Mark Robinson
- Stian Soiland-Reyes
- Michael Crusoe
- Carole Goble
- Charles Overbeck
- Finn Bacall
Thanks to:
- eScience Lab at The University of Manchester
- BioExcel Center of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research
- European Commission's H2020 grant 675728
- Common Workflow Language community and the CWL Gitter room