
Primary LanguageVue

#Game dapp

Create a blockchain game using Solidity, Web3, and Vue.js


Enter the file hardhat.config.js and add a wallet private key and network Token.

Install dependencies:

npm install

Then test the contract

npx hardhat test

Contract deployment

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network mumbai
Deployment Address - 0xBfB69Cc23F215d08245422b1B2D3EE2a790443Ef

Deploy to Berachain test network

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network berachain
Deployment Address - 0xB4dC03DE4e224070713d273E60b8D62457114719

Front-end operation

Enter the front-end directory:

cd game

Install dependencies

yarn install

Set contract address

Edit the file .env and fill in the deployed contract address.


Start the frontend

yarn serve

It will start normally.