
This project is a chat application built using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Socket.IO.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Chat Application

This project is a chat application built using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Socket.IO.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js: Node.js is used as the backend JavaScript runtime environment.
  • Express.js: Express.js is used as the web application framework for Node.js.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB is used as the NoSQL database to store chat messages and user data.
  • Socket.IO: Socket.IO is a JavaScript library for real-time web applications, enabling bidirectional communication between clients and servers.
  • bcryptjs: bcryptjs is used for hashing user passwords securely.
  • dotenv: dotenv is used for loading environment variables from a .env file.
  • jsonwebtoken: jsonwebtoken is used for generating and verifying JSON web tokens for user authentication.


  • Signup


  • Login


  • Home



  • Real-time chat functionality with Socket.IO.
  • User authentication and authorization using JSON web tokens.
  • Secure password storage with bcryptjs.
  • MongoDB integration for storing chat messages and user data.
  • Environment variable management with dotenv.

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the dependencies using npm install.
  3. Start the server using npm run server.
  4. The chat application will be accessible at http://localhost:PORT.


To deploy the chat application, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have MongoDB set up and running on your server.
  2. Set the necessary environment variables in a .env file.
  3. Build the frontend using npm run build.
  4. Start the server using npm start.
  5. Configure your server to listen on the appropriate port and domain.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.