
Infinity Stone (CaratLane- Clone) ->CaratLane is an Indian physical and online jewelry retailer, headquartered in Chennai, India Where you can purchase Rings , Earrings ect

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Infinity Stone (CaratLane- Clone)

CaratLane is an Indian physical and online jewelry retailer, headquartered in Chennai, India Where you can purchase Rings , Earrings ect

A Full Stack , Collaborative project built by a team of 5 executed in 5 days.

Demo 🎥

Tech Stack 💻

  • React
  • Redux
  • Chakra -UI
  • CSS
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose _ MongoDb Atlas

Snapshots 📷

  • Landing page (Home page)

  • Sign-In page

  • Landing page (Rings page)

  • Landing page (Earrings page)

  • Single Product page

  • Cart page

  • Payment page

  • Admin Signin page

*Admin page


Infinity Stone Backend API

nodeJS mongoDB expressJS nodemon jwt mongoose bcrypt

Deployed link: https://cartlane.onrender.com/


  • /rings
  • /earrings
  • /users
  • /cart
  • /search
* All user routes require token in the response header.
* All admin routes require token in the response header generated after loging in with an user account with the role of admin.



  • Open routes:
  1. GET / : get all products
  2. GET /:id : get a product by its ID
  • Admin Routes:
  1. POST /add : create a new product
  2. PATCH /update/:id : update a product by its ID
  3. DELETE /delete/:id : delete a product



  • page and limit queries can be used for pagination.
  • Any key in the product schema can be used as a filter.
  • For sorting by a field, pass the field in the query type. The query sort takes asc or desc to sort in ascending or descending order respectively.
  • For comparative operators in queries, use the suffix from and till after any query for greater than or equal to or less than or equal to respectively.
  • For full-text search, use q query to pass in the keyword.

Product Schema

  imageurl:{type: String,required:true},
  image:{type: String,required:true},
  price:{type: Number,required:true},
  originalprice:{type: Number,required:true},
  title:{type: String,required:true},
  size:{type: Number,required:true},



  • Open routes:
  1. GET / : get all products
  2. GET /:id : get a product by its ID
  • Admin Routes:
  1. POST /add : create a new product
  2. PATCH /update/:id : update a product by its ID
  3. DELETE /delete/:id : delete a product



  • page and limit queries can be used for pagination.
  • Any key in the product schema can be used as a filter.
  • For sorting by a field, pass the field in the query type. The query sort takes asc or desc to sort in ascending or descending order respectively.
  • For comparative operators in queries, use the suffix from and till after any query for greater than or equal to or less than or equal to respectively.

Product Schema

  imageurl:{type: String,required:true},
  image:{type: String,required:true},
  price:{type: Number,required:true},
  originalprice:{type: Number,required:true},
  title:{type: String,required:true},
  size:{type: Number,required:true},



  • User Routes:
  1. POST /register : to register a new user
  2. POST /login : user login
  • Admin Routes:
  1. GET /all : to get all users
  2. PATCH /update/:id : to update a user by their ID
  3. DELETE /delete/:id : to delete a user by their ID


POST /register

  • Attempting to register with the same email returns { message: "Email already exist" }

  • Successfull registration returns { message: "User successfully registered" }

POST /login

  • Sending an unregistered email returns { message: "Email is not registered" }

  • Sending the wrong password returns { message: "Wrong Password" }

  • Successfull login returns { message: "User successfully logged in", token } where token is a randomly genererated string that can be used for authentication.

User Schema:

  _id: ObjectId,
  name: { type: String, required: true },
  email: { type: String, required: true },
  gender: { type: String, required: true },
  password: { type: String,required: true },



  • User routes:
  1. GET / : get all cart items of the logged in user
  2. POST /add : add item to cart (autogenerates userID and count). Increments the count if product already exists in cart
  3. PATCH /update/:id : update a cart item
  4. DELETE /delete/:id : delete a cart item by id



  • productID gets populated by product data including fields like _id, title, image, price, original_price


  • On adding a product, if the product already exists, the count of that product increments in the cart (upto a quantity limit), otherwise it gets added. The response looks like { data, message: "Product successfully added to cart" }, where data is the cart item after updation.

Cart Schema

  imageurl:{type: String,required:true},
  image:{type: String,required:true},
  price:{type: Number,required:true},
  originalprice:{type: Number,required:true},
  title:{type: String,required:true},
  size:{type: Number,required:true},
  quantity:{type: Number,required:true}


  1. userAuth: Verifies the token in header to check whether user is logged in. Applied on cart routes.
  2. adminAuth: Verifies the token in header to check whether admin is logged in. Applied on admin routes.

Contributors 😇

  • 👤 Vivek Singh Tomar

  • Key-Responsibility -> Complete Admin Side
  • 👤 Anubhav Dixit

  • Key-Responsibility -> Complete Backend
  • 👤 Mrunali Gabhane

  • Key-Responsibility -> UI for Cartpage , Paymentpage , Addresspage 
  • 👤 Ritik Verma

  • Key-Responsibility ->Homepage , Login and Signup page
  • 👤 Sumit Kolipyaka

  • Key-Responsibility ->Productspage , SingalProductpage

End Notes :

Throughout this project, I aimed to create a near-perfect replica of the original website by meticulously implementing its features and functionalities. This constructive experience has not only helped me gain confidence, but has also imparted valuable lessons that I can apply in real-world scenarios. As a result, I have successfully integrated most of the website's features and functionalities into my project.