- Aspiring full stack web developer with excellent problem-solving skills. Able toperform well in a team. Passionate about coding and equipped with a diverse andpromising skill-set with a special emphasis on Reactjs, JavaScript, Java, Python, Html, Css, UIs, MongoDB, (Mern Stack). Able to see things from various points of view and able to understand and follow instructions.
🔭 I’m currently working on DSA
🌱 I’m currently working on Mern Stack
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on OpenSource Projects
💬 Ask me about React, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, Express JS, Mongo DB, Python, JavaScript
📫 Reach me Through:https://ergopivishwakarma.github.io/ 😄
📄 Resume https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cLUbqBehw7cXV3woxFVwYYbrS7TYoeky?usp=share_link
⚡ Fun fact:I Always try to learn something new