Connect is a dynamic social media platform designed to assist individuals in crafting a comprehensive life plan while fostering connections with like-minded people.
Technology Stack: Django Rest Framework (DRF), React, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL
Functionality Overview:
1.Login And Register-
Users can effortlessly create an account.
Login using their username with a secure authentication process(JWT Token authentication).
Successful login directs users to their personalized Profile Page.
2.Profile functionalities-
Users can update profile details and showcase their images.
Choose up to 10 areas of interest that define their passions and preferences.
Central hub containing all profile functionalities.
4.Friends Posts:
Displays posts from the user's friends.
Users can 'like' friends' posts with a one-time restriction, and delete their own posts.
Users can engage in conversations by posting comments.
5.All Posts:
Similar to Friends Posts with variations in UI.
Users can 'like' and comment on posts, but the delete option is restricted.
6.Friend Suggestions:
Presents a list of suggested profiles based on shared interests.
Facilitates the process of connecting with potential friends.
7.Life Plan:
Comprises 12 life areas for users to set plans.
Plans can span durations of 1 month to 10 years.
Prevents users from creating overlapping plans, ensuring focused goal-setting.
A dedicated space for private messages between users. Clicking on a friend reveals their chat history, promoting seamless communication.
9. My Connections:
Displays the user's friends.
Allows users to remove connections, maintaining control over their network.
10. Matching Algorithm:
Friend suggestions and connections are determined based on shared areas of interest chosen in the Profile section.
11.PDF Goal Generation:
Users can generate PDFs encapsulating their life plans, fostering tangible goal-setting.
"Aim of Connect is to create an interactive platform that not only facilitates social connections but empowers users to envision and work towards their life goals"