Raspberry Pi

list of devices in same network in unix

ARP, or Address Resolution Protocol, is a communication protocol that’s used for exploring the link layer address associated with a network layer address.

arp -a

Experiment 1:

  • use pocket Wi-Fi ZTE MU5002
  • connnect raspberry pi 5 via Lan cabel
  • use my laptop to connect pocker Wi-Fi
  • use arp -a to find the pi IP address
  • ssh into pi ssh anuchito@
  • it success.

note: I need to setup pi image with ssh key from my ssh-key laptop.

vcgencmd check status

vcgencmd get_throttled

CPU Throttled

will give us important information on throttling status, which is a direct consequence of an Undervoltage issue. The command will return us a value that summarizes both the current and historical status (from the last boot). Possible results are:

throttled=0x0 -> this means a clean status, where voltage is ok throttled=0x50000 -> this means that throttling happened at least 1 time from the boot, but now the voltage status is ok throttled=0x50005 -> this means that throttling happened at least 1 time from the boot, and the problem is currently active

The value near the “throttled=0x” string shown is the sum of the Hex Values from the previous table. For example, a value of 5005 is the sum of:

1 (Under-voltage detected)
4 (Currently throttled)
1000 (Under-voltage has occurred)
4000 (Throttling has occurred)

OFF the Raspberry Pi 5's power consumption https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2023/reducing-raspberry-pi-5s-power-consumption-140x