Command Lines In Node JS

In this repo following commands are implemented

Following commands must work :

  1. cd <directory_name> - Should work same as bash shell.
  2. pwd - Prints current working directory.
  3. ls <directory_name> - Should work same as bash shell. Support for flags is not required.
  4. <path_to_binary> - When path to a binary is provided, that binary should be spawned as a child process. The binary must receive all the arguments passed as space separated like arg1 arg2 ….
  5. fg - Brings the background process with process id to foreground.
  6. exit - Closes the shell.

Following key combination should work :

  1. Ctrl + C - Sends a SIGINT to the spawned process.
  2. Ctril + Z - Sends spawned process that is currently in foreground to the background. Prints it’s pid after setting the current process as background process.


Command Lines In Node JS requires Node.js v10+ to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

npm i
npm i nodemon -g
