
This is an accelerator pack for deploying a telegram bot which uses Jugalbandi APIs.

Steps to install, run and deploy

  1. After creating a telegram bot using BotFather in Telegram, copy the token of the newly created bot and replace it with this text TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN_KEY in telegram_bot.py
  2. Replace the text UUID_NUMBER with the uuid number of your document set to be queried in telegram_bot.py
  3. Currently the bot has configurations for 3 languages (English, Hindi, Kannada). The same can be updated for other Indian languages as well in the respective places.
  4. The bot commands (start, set_language) can be customized by using BotFather in Telegram. In order to do that, go to BotFather and choose the bot to edit its command and paste the follow lines.
start - Start the bot
set_language - To choose language of your choice
  1. Install the necessary python packages for this bot by running this command pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. [OPTIONAL] Edit the url in get_query_response function in telegram.py to use other Jugalbandi endpoints of your choice.
  3. For running the bot in the local environment, run this command python3 telegram_bot.py and open the bot in Telegram to start querying.
  4. To start querying the bot in Telegram, type /start to start the bot and choose the language from the given options. Then type the query in the language of your choice and the bot will respond with the answer.
  5. [OPTIONAL] For deploying the bot as a service in cloud (eg: Compute Engine in GCP), bot.service file can be used as a template file.