
Primary LanguagePython

A2N in tensorflow

This repository is a tensorflow-keras implementation of Attention in Attention Network for Image Super-Resolution by H. Chen et al., with code reference from A2N. Currently, it is the bare minimum (default args on the original repository) implementation. I plan to extend it further. Meanwhile, please feel free to use, fork the code or leave comments if you find any inconsitency.


  • tensorflow == 2.4.1 (checked with 2.5.0)
  • tensorflow-datasets == 4.3.0

Installation Guideline

git clone git@github.com:Anuj040/superres.git [-b <branch_name>]
cd superres (Work Directory)

# local environment settings
pyenv local 3.8.5                                 # Installation issues with 3.9.2
python -m pip install poetry
poetry config virtualenvs.create true --local
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true --local

# In case older version of pip throws installation errors
poetry run python -m pip install --upgrade pip 

# local environment preparation
poetry install

Working with the code

Before running the code please make sure that your datasets follow the below directory hierarchy.

    superres {work_directory}
    ├── A2N
    ├── datasets                  
    │   ├──train                                   # high resolution images
    │       ├──image1.png
    │       ├──image2.png
    │         :
    │   ├──val
    │       ├──input                               # low resolution images
    │         ├──files  
    │           ├──test_image1.png
    │           ├──test_image2.png
    │           :  
    │       ├──gt                                  # ground truth (high resolution images)
    │         ├──files  
    │           ├──test_image1.png
    │           ├──test_image2.png
    │           :      
    └── ...

All the code executions shall happen from work directory.

Training mode

poetry run python A2N/start.py


  1. The current implementation provides the option of using perceptual loss along with mae loss. To only use perceptual loss, please make necessary changes (in A2N/model.py or A2N/trainer/trainer.py)
  2. Currently perceptual loss is implemented using VGG19. I might include other feature extractors as well.
  3. To include the perceptual loss or gan in model training, please include --percep or --gan as command line arguments.
  4. The loss weights have been updated to the optimum for my dataset.
  5. Including perceptual loss, slightly improves the model performance with insignificant change to epoch times. Whereas, gan training did not provide any appreciable adavantage. Moreover the epoch time was significantly longer (upto 1.8 times).
  6. Apart from the loss definitions used in the original implementation, sobel loss has also been included in the training pipeline. This loss incentivises sharp edges for crispier boundaries. In my implementation, it slightly improved the model performance.