
wearGPT 2.0 API key

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Pici60 commented

Saját APi kulcsot kér a wearGPT 2.0! Hogyan lehet generálni az alkalmazáshoz?

Saját APi kulcsot kér a wearGPT 2.0! Hogyan lehet generálni az alkalmazáshoz?


In order to generate your own Api key, follow the below step.

  1. Head over to openAI website and create an account and proceed with login.
  2. Click on "view api keys" under personal tab.
  3. click on "create new secret key"
  4. done, you now have your own api key.
  5. enter this api key in your watch in the api key section in the app's settings.

Hope this helps !


Pici60 commented