
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

SKU Finder


  • Frame Selection (Part 1)

    • get_frames : function to get frames from video
    • filter_frames : function to filter out bad/blurry frames
  • Product Detection (Part 2)

    • Training

      • download/gather appropriate dataset
      • visualize the dataset
      • choose a model
      • training the model
      • evaluate the model
      • save the model
    • Inference

      • model creation code
      • model weights loading code
      • model's output to xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax bounding box coordinates for each detection
      • bounding box to crops array
    • Evaluation

      • load the model using the functions in inference folder
      • evaluate the model's performance on some dataset and metric
  • Crop Selection (Part 3)

    • filter_crops : function to filter out bad/unusable/blurry/very low res crops
    • very low res crops
    • blurry crops
  • Product Recognition (Part 4)

    • Training

      • download rp2k dataset
      • loading and clean the dataset
      • visualize the dataset
      • choose a model
      • train the model
      • evaluate the model (on some appropriate dataset and metric)
      • save the model (only the backbone feature extractor)
    • Inference

      • model creation code
      • model weights loading code
      • get_embedding : function for getting feature vectors
      • get_simmilarity_scores : function which takes two feature vectors and compare then and gives the simmilarity scores 0 to 1
      • get_knn : returns sklearn K nearest neighbours model
    • Evaluation

      • load the model using the functions in inference folder
      • evaluate the model's performance on some dataset and metric
  • Pipeline (Part 5)

    • create_database : function to create database of products
    • load_database : function to load products database
    • image_to_products : find all product skus in a image and return crops with their guessed sku id
    • video_to_products : find all product skus in a video and return crops with their guessed sku id