
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • 01-intro

    • setup environment
    • download data
    • added training notebook
    • done homework
  • 02-experiment-tracking

    • setup mlflow
    • do experiment tracking
    • Model tracking
    • Model Registry
    • Launch tracking server:- mlflow server --backend-store-uri sqlite:///mlflow.db --default-artifact-root artifacts
  • 03-orchestration

    • setup mage: git clone https://github.com/mage-ai/mlops.git
    • run mage server: cd 03-orchestration/mlops && scripts/start.sh
    • unit_1_data_preparation
      • make pipeline
      • data ingestion
      • data transformation
      • data visualization
      • data exporters
    • unit_2_training
      • sklearn models: hyperparameter tuning
      • sklearn models: training models with best hyperparameters
      • XGBoost model: hyperparameter tuning
      • XGBoost model: training model with best hyperparameters
    • unit_3_observability
      • didn't did all the charts and deployment
  • 04-deployment

  • 05-monitoring

    • Environment setup(conda activate py11)
    • Prepare reference data and model
    • Evidently metrics calculation
    • Evidently dashboard
    • Grafana dashboard with dummy data
    • Grafana Dashboard with real data
    • Saved dashboard to config json file
    • Evidently ReportPreset and TestSuitePreset
    • Done Homework
  • 06-best-practices

    • Unit Testing
    • Integration Testing
    • Local Stack(Kinesis test)
    • pylint, black, isort
    • pre-commit hooks
    • Makefile
    • Homework
    • terraform (IAC Infrastructure as Code)
      • terraform setup
      • terraform basic

Useful Stuff