
Answer few commands such as playing songs, showing current time, telling jokes, searching information like Alexa.

Primary LanguagePython


Answer few commands such as playing games , showing current hours , telling joke, searching information like Alexa.

  • Install the following packages in your terminal to run the code:
    1. pip install SpeechRecognition
    2. pip install pyttsx3
    3. pip install PyAudio
    4. pip install pywhatkit
    5. pip install pyjokes
    6. pip install word2number

You can do this easily by running pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: If anyone is getting error in installing pyaudio

  Do this in the terminal:
  1. pip install pipwin
  2. pipwin install Pyaudio

Note: For Ubuntu Users

try :
1. pip3 install pipwin
2. sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev python-pyaudio