
ShareMe Social Media Website to upload posts

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



GitHub contributors GitHub issues GitHub forks GitHub stars GitHub license


Flow of the application

Backend Firebase + DB using sanity.io

  • Using sanity studio to create the schemas (database)
  • Creating schemas (blueprint of the content)
    • For creating users (By userName and Image)
    • For Creating Pins (Title,About, Destination, Category, Image, UserID, PostedBy, Save, Comments)
    • Saving Posts
    • Adding comments

Frontend using React + Tailwind CSS

  • Setup the project using create-react-app from Tailwind website
  • package.json
    • sanity client , sanity image url
    • react-router-dom
    • react-icons
    • react-masonry-css
    • react-spinners
    • Chakra UI - Toast
  • Login
    • Adding video with dark overlay + controls
    • Firebase integration - Google + Github
    • Adding newly created users on sanity db
    • Check if user already logged in
    • Redirecting to the homepage once logged in
    • Adding Typed.js Animations
  • Sidebar
    • Link vs NavLink
    • User attributes naming convention
    • Listing all categories
    • Go to userProfile Button
  • Pins container
    • Setting up entire routes of the application (react-router-dom)
  • Navbar
    • Adding search bar fuzzy searching functionality
    • Create new Post option
    • UserProfile page
  • Feed
    • Queries to get all the pins from sanity
    • Fetch category feed when category selected
    • Conditional rendering if no pins found
  • PinDetails
    • Layout of the pinDetails on clicking a pin
    • Showing Image, Title, About, Link, Category, Download button, PostedBy
    • Adding comment section for all users
  • Creating Pin
    • Utility of Creating pin
    • Upload Image url, title, about , destination, category
    • Create Pin Button writes to sanity db and redirects to the homepage
  • Pin
    • Query image , title, description, tags, likes, comments, postedBy from sanity
    • Attaching utils to the pin (delete, saved , url ) on hover
    • Showing the user who posted it
  • UserProfile
    • Fetch the details of user
    • Show all the created and save Posts
    • Firebase Logout button
    • Conditional rendering if no pins found
  • SocialMediaButtons
    • Layout of the social media buttons
    • Share the URL To social media sites
  • Spinner
    • Showing the spinner component when isLoading is true
  • Icons
    • Email Me Icon, redirect to contact page
  • index.js
    • Having all the exports t once place
  • Contact
    • Showing Contact us page setup using EmailJS
  • MasonryLayout
    • Displaying all the pins in Masonry format
    • Varying Vertical sizes
  • QRCode
    • Showing QR Code of current website
    • Login using mobile
  • Search
    • Fuzzy search for posts
    • Queries the rendered pins and returns pins matching title

Run Locally 🚀

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/adarshanand67/ShareMe

Go to the frontend directory

  cd shareme-frontend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start

Current Problems :- 🔧

  • Handle empty url of images
  • Categories not loading
  • Category search not working
  • Error in userProfile saved pins

Future Improvements TODO :- 🔧

Easy Changes

  • Improve github readme
  • Write the entire flow of the application
  • Add Github Auth
  • Add Typed JS Animations
  • Create customized login page
  • Light/Dark Mode Addition
  • Adding Toasts while login/logout
  • Changing highlight color
  • Contact us section in
  • Confirmations popups
  • Add right border of categories
  • Search Bar UI Like pinterest

Medium Changes

  • Scanning QR Code to open website on mobile (qrcode-react)
  • Ability to Add GIFs
  • Adding Share Button (Share Pin to Whatsapp, Twitter, Email)
  • Pressing enter should simulate button click
  • Show tags on posts
  • Infinite Scrolling
  • Showing toasts when post saved
  • Create Progressive Web App

Advanced Changes

  • Adding Voice search
  • Ability to follow other users
  • Creating a notification system when new user uploads a post
  • Adding feature like pin (Store count of likes)
  • Creating a guided tour of app
  • Feature of Liking a comment
  • Showing the time when comment was posted
  • Improve the saved Features
  • Writing unit tests using React Testing Library

Feedback 📝

If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at 📫 adarsh.anand.20031@iitgoa.ac.in.

Contributing 🤝

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

License 📜


Authors 👨‍💻


Acknowledgements 🙏