
Lab: Lexical Analyzer for a Mini JavaScript language

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lab: Lexical Analyzer for a Mini JavaScript language
Fill the empty/underscore gaps in each file.

See Douglas Crockford http://javascript.crockford.com/tdop/tdop.html

* tdop.html Crockford article: contains a description of 
            Vaughn Pratt's Top Down Operator Precedence,
            and describes a parser for Simplified JavaScript in
            Simplified JavaScript.

* index.html loads the scripts and shows the initial input page

* global.css style sheet

* main.js parses the input and displays its AST. 

* parse.js contains the parser for a Simplified JavaScript language. 
           See tdop.html for commentary.

* tokens.js The lexical analyzer. 
            produces an array of token objects from a string.
            You must write this file.