
Patent management over Blockchain


  1. Truffle
  2. Node.js
  3. Python 3
  4. MySQL

How to setup?

  1. Create a database in MySQL named dejavu.
  2. Import dejavu.sql in it.
  3. Change the MySQL connection parameters in the following files. 1. patent-backend/ImageComparision/ (line no. 10) 2. patent-backend/AudioComparision/dejavu.cnf.SAMPLE
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. CD into patent-backend, and run npm install
  6. CD into patent-frontend and run npm install

Steps to run the project.

  1. Run the following command

sudo ./

  1. Switch to the console in which truffle is running.
  2. Type the following commands 1. compile --reset 2. migrate --reset
  3. Copy the deployed contract address of AutionProcess.
  4. In patent-backend/blockchainConfig.json change the networkAdress to the rpc address and auctionContractAddress to the above deployment address.