
This repository tracks my progress in the 6Companies30Days Challenge by Arsh Goyal

Primary LanguageC++

6 Companies 30 Days Challenge

The repository contains my solutions for the 6Companies30Days Challenge set by Arsh Goyal

Problem Sets

Company 1
Sr Problems (Goldman Sachs) Code
1 Print Anagrams Together Code
2 Overlapping Rectangles Code
3 Count the subarrays having product less than k Code
4 Run Length Encoding Code
5 Ugly Number Code
6 Greatest Common Divisor of Strings Code
7 Find the position of M-th item Code
8 Total Decoding Messages Code
9 Number following a pattern Code
10 Max 10 numbers in a list having 10M entries Code
11 Find Missing And Repeating Code
12 Squares in N*N Chessboard Code
13 Decode the string Code
14 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Code
15 Array Pair Sum Divisibility Problem Code
Company 2
Sr Problems (Amazon) Code
1 Maximum Profit Code
2 Longest Mountain in Array Code
3 IPL 2021 - Match Day 2 Code
4 Brackets in Matrix Chain Multiplication Code
5 Phone directory Code
6 Maximum of all subarrays of size k Code
7 First non-repeating character in a stream Code
8 Count ways to N'th Stair(Order does not matter) Code
9 Is Sudoku Valid Code
10 Nuts and Bolts Problem Code
11 Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree Code
12 Column name from a given column number Code
13 Rotting Oranges Code
14 Burning Tree Code
15 Delete N nodes after M nodes of a linked list Code
Company 3
Sr Problems (Microsoft) Code
1 Minimum sum partition Code
2 Prerequisite Tasks Code
3 Rotate by 90 degree Code
4 Spirally traversing a matrix Code
5 Stock span problem Code
6 Possible Words From Phone Digits Code
7 Unit Area of largest region of 1's Code
8 Connect Nodes at Same Level Code
9 Count Number of SubTrees having given Sum Code
10 Stickler Thief Code
11 Generate Binary Numbers Code
12 Find All Four Sum Numbers Code
13 Bridge edge in a graph Code
14 Minimum steps to destination Code
15 Alien Dictionary Code
Company 4
Sr Problems (Adobe) Code
1 Subarray with given sum Code
2 Longest Arithmetic Progression Code
3 No. of distict Words with k max contiguous vowels Code
4 Partition Equal Subset Sum Code
5 Express as sum of power of natural numbers Code
6 Generate Parentheses Code
7 Pots of Gold Game Code
8 Implement Atoi Code
9 Next higher palindromic number using same digits Code
10 Winner of an election Code
11 Amend The Sentence Code
12 Leaders in an array Code
13 Minimum operations to convert array A to B Code
14 Smallest range in K lists Code
15 Most Recent Library Code
Company 5
Sr Problems (Intuit) Code
1 Minimum sum partition Code
2 Word Search Code
3 Find the missing no in string Code
4 Largest number in K swaps Code
5 Split Array Largest Sum Code
6 Find in Mountain Array Code
7 Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days Code
8 Number of Boomerangs Code
9 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow Code
10 Number of Provinces Code
11 Construct Quad Tree Code
12 Course Schedule II Code
13 Minimum Swaps to Arrange a Binary Grid Code
14 As Far from Land as Possible Code
15 Koko Eating Bananas Code
Company 6
Sr Problems (Walmart) Code
1 Path with Maximum Probability Code
2 Stone Game Code
3 Remove Colored Pieces if Both Neighbors are the Same Color Code
4 Number of Unique Paths Code
5 Transform to Sum Tree Code
6 Power Of Numbers Code
7 Sorted subsequence of size 3 Code
8 Maximum Height Tree Code
9 Guess Number Higher or Lower II Code
10 Generate Random Point in a Circle Code
11 Maximum Performance of a Team Code
12 Find Array Given Subset Sums Code
13 Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array Code
14 Largest number in K swaps Code
15 Divide Two Integers Code