Zulip API

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This repository contains the source code for Zulip's PyPI packages:

The source code is written in Python 3.


  1. Fork and clone the Git repo: git clone https://github.com/<your_username>/python-zulip-api.git

  2. Make sure you have pip and virtualenv installed.

  3. cd into the repository cloned earlier: cd python-zulip-api

  4. Run:


    This sets up a virtual Python environment in zulip-api-py<your_python_version>-venv, where <your_python_version> is your default version of Python. If you would like to specify a different Python version, run

    ./tools/provision -p <path_to_your_python_version>
  5. The above step, if successful, will tell you the command to "source" your virtual environment. Run that command!

  6. You should now be able to run all the tests within this virtualenv.

Running tests

To run the tests for

  • zulip: run ./tools/test-zulip

  • zulip_bots: run ./tools/test-bots

  • zulip_botserver: run ./tools/test-botserver

To run the linter, type:


To check the type annotations, run:
