
A Javascript implementation of FlappyBird AI, where on the implementation of Neuroevolution the Bird learns to adapt to its environment by creating evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A Javascript implementation of Flappy_Bird_AI. By using Neuroevolution, the Bird learns to adapt to its environment and eventually perfects itself to navigate completely on its own

Running the Model

Clone the rep first. Then open the files and change the location information in the two Javascript files and the one HTML file so that all of them are interconnected.

run 'index.html' file in a browser. The Neuroevolution model will be deployed. The bird will first learn by exploring the environment into multiple Birds, each running separate NeuralNetworks. You can speed up the Evolution process. Soon the bird would be able to move through the environment on its own without making any mistakes.

Learn learnt

Live model

Check out the Live model here: FlappyBirdAI

Thank You

Yours Truely,

Anuraag Rath