Learn City

The Ultimate Community Platform for learners

Live : https://th3-project.vercel.app/


Community CoursePaths Class Gamification Explore

Problem I am Solving:

Current Ed-tech companies offers courses, but the real value is in the community which they provide, the course material is pretty average everywhere. The community they provide (at a cost) are full of learners who are passionate to learn and build their skills,


On our Learn City Platform, you can build or find learning communities, where you can learn with others at ZERO cost, and with the help of free resources such as YouTube Playlist or videos.

Core Features:

👤 Create an Account

  1. Create with Email and Password
  2. Sign in with Google
  3. Sign in with Facebook

⚒️ Create a community

  1. User can upload a post in your own community
  2. Admin can create a learning track in the community, each track will have multiple paths which depends on the duration of the track (10 days == 10 paths in the track)
  3. Admin can create a class under a specific path of the learning track 4.Members can chat in the group chat of the community
  4. Every Community will a leaderboard which displays the Top Learners of the community based on their coins earned

🧭 Explore

  1. Explore the trending posts under the explore tab
  2. Explore communities
  3. Explore Classes

🎮 Gamification

  1. Earn coins by completing a path under the communtity track, by creating a community, or by uploading a post in a community.
  2. Climb the global or community leaderboard by earning coins