Forcast | Web Dev (frontend) Assignment 2023 by Anurag Kochar

✨ Features :

  1. Create with email, password, and Username
  2. Update your username
  3. Create Chat Rooms
  4. Send / recieve messages in realtime inside a room
  5. Delete your messages.
  6. Fully Responsive design.


  1. Live Site -
  2. Product Demo Video -

🌐 Tech stack :

  1. React JS (vite)
  2. TypeScript
  3. Tailwind CSS
  4. Supabase

🧱 Reusable Components :


Prop Description Type
children* Button Text React node
variant* Contained, Outlined or Text string - PRIMARY or SECONDARY
color* Use color prop to apply theme color palette to component string
disabled For disabling button boolean
loading Offers loading buttons that can show loading state and disable interactions boolean
hidden For hidding the hidden boolean
onClick onClick function will run on clicking function
size* For larger or smaller icon buttons, use the size prop string
leftIcon React icon for left side react icon
rightIcon React icon for right side react icon
type Type of the button string - "button" "submit" "reset"


Prop Description Type
type* Type of input -> text, password etc string
placeholder* Placeholder of the input field string
title title of the input field string
name* name of the input field string
required is the field required to fill or not boolean
label* label of the field string
value value of the field string
onChange onChange event function
error error.${name}.message from useForm() string
register register from useForm() any
isSchema Is validation required for this input or not? boolean


Prop Description Type
children* Options to display in dropdown ReactNode
isModalOpen* State to check if the modal is open or not boolean (default - false)
setIsModalOpen State update function to open / close modal React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction>


Prop Description Type
letter* First letter of the username string (length === 1)
bgColor Background color of the avatar string (default = #6E40CE)


Prop Description Type
children* Options to display in dropdown ReactNode
icon Icon to display to open dropdown, Default is 3 vertical dots ReactNode

📃 Pages / Routes

  1. HomePage - /
  2. RoomPage (Chat room) - /room/:roomID