LinkedIn Profiler API

This API provides routes for creating and editing LinkedIn Profiles. It gives you an url where you can view the Linked In profile.

Setup Locally

  1. Git clone the repository
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies
  3. Create a .env file and copy over the Environment variables from .env.sample
  4. Make sure you have PostgreSQL installed and running on your machine.
  5. Update the DATABASE_URL in the .env file by updating [USERNAME] and [PASSWORD] with your PostgreSQL username and password.
  6. Run npm run dev to start the development server
  7. The server should be running on http://localhost:3000
  8. You can now make requests to the server using the following API descriptions.

API Endpoints

Note: Find the Postman Documentation for the API here.

Create a LinkedIn Profile


GET Request

  • Description: Retrieves the profile of a user based on the provided user ID.
  • Parameters:
    • userId (query parameter): The ID of the user whose profile is to be retrieved.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the user profile details including first name, last name, headline, location (city, state, country), about, experiences, educations, and skills.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

POST Request

  • Description: Creates a new user profile with the provided details.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • firstName (string): The first name of the user.
      • lastName (string): The last name of the user.
      • headline (string): The headline of the user's profile.
      • city (string): The city of the user's location.
      • state (string): The state of the user's location.
      • country (string): The country of the user's location.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the newly created user's details.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

PUT Request

  • Description: Updates an existing user profile with the provided details.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • id (integer): The ID of the user whose profile is to be updated.
      • firstName (string, optional): The updated first name of the user.
      • lastName (string, optional): The updated last name of the user.
      • headline (string, optional): The updated headline of the user's profile.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the updated user's details.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

DELETE Request

  • Description: Deletes the user profile associated with the provided user ID.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • id (integer): The ID of the user whose profile is to be deleted.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the details of the deleted user.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

Create and Update Experience


GET /experiences

  • Description: Retrieve a list of experiences.
  • Parameters:
    • userId (optional): Filter experiences by user ID.
  • Response
    • 200 OK: Successful response containing a JSON object with an array of experiences.
    • 400 Bad Request: Error response if there's a problem with the request parameters.
    • 500 Internal Server Error: Error response if there's a server-side issue.

POST /experiences

  • Description: Create a new experience.
  • Request Body:
    • title (string, required): Title of the experience.
    • employmentType (string, required): Type of employment (e.g., full-time, part-time, internship).
    • companyName (string, required): Name of the company.
    • location (string, required): Location of the experience.
    • locationType (string, required): Type of location (e.g., city, remote).
    • startMonth (string, required): Start month of the experience.
    • startYear (number, required): Start year of the experience.
    • endMonth (string, optional): End month of the experience.
    • endYear (number, optional): End year of the experience.
    • description (string, optional): Description of the experience.
    • userId (number, required): ID of the user associated with the experience.
  • Response
    • 201 Created: Successful response containing a JSON object with the newly created experience.
    • 400 Bad Request: Error response if there's a problem with the request body.
    • 500 Internal Server Error: Error response if there's a server-side issue.

PUT /experiences

  • Description: Update an existing experience.
  • Request Body:
    • id (number, required): ID of the experience to update.
    • Any of the following fields (optional):
    • title
    • employmentType
    • companyName
    • location
    • locationType
    • startMonth
    • startYear
    • endMonth
    • endYear
    • description
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: Successful response containing a JSON object with the updated experience.
    • 400 Bad Request: Error response if there's a problem with the request body or if the experience does not exist.
    • 500 Internal Server Error: Error response if there's a server-side issue.

DELETE /experiences

  • Description: Delete an existing experience.
  • Request Body:
    • id (number, required): ID of the experience to delete.
  • Response:
  • 200 OK: Successful response containing a JSON object with the deleted experience.
  • 400 Bad Request: Error response if there's a problem with the request body.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: Error response if there's a server-side issue.

Create and Update Education


GET Request

  • Description: Retrieves education details either for a specific user or all educations if no user ID is provided.
  • Parameters:
    • userId (query parameter, optional): The ID of the user whose education details are to be retrieved.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the education details.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

POST Request

  • Description: Creates a new education entry for a user.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • school (string): The name of the school.
      • degree (string): The degree obtained.
      • fieldOfStudy (string): The field of study.
      • startMonth (string): The starting month of education.
      • startYear (string): The starting year of education.
      • endMonth (string, optional): The ending month of education (default: 'Present').
      • endYear (string, optional): The ending year of education.
      • description (string, optional): Description of education.
      • grade (string, optional): Grade obtained.
      • userId (integer): The ID of the user to whom this education entry belongs.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the newly created education details.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

PUT Request

  • Description: Updates an existing education entry.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • id (integer): The ID of the education entry to be updated.
      • school (string, optional): The updated name of the school.
      • degree (string, optional): The updated degree obtained.
      • fieldOfStudy (string, optional): The updated field of study.
      • startMonth (string, optional): The updated starting month of education.
      • startYear (string, optional): The updated starting year of education.
      • endMonth (string, optional): The updated ending month of education.
      • endYear (string, optional): The updated ending year of education.
      • description (string, optional): Updated description of education.
      • grade (string, optional): Updated grade obtained.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the updated education details.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

DELETE Request

  • Description: Deletes an education entry.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • id (integer): The ID of the education entry to be deleted.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the details of the deleted education entry.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

Create and Update About Section


POST Request

  • Description: Creates a new about section for a user profile.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • about (string): The about section content.
      • userId (integer): The ID of the user to whom this about section belongs.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the newly created about section details.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

PUT Request

  • Description: Updates the about section for a user profile.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • id (integer): The ID of the about section to be updated.
      • about (string): The updated about section content.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the updated about section details.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

DELETE Request

  • Description: Deletes the about section associated with the provided ID.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • id (integer): The ID of the about section to be deleted.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the details of the deleted about section.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

Create and Update Skills


GET Request

  • Description: Retrieves skills associated with a specific user.
  • Parameters:
    • userId (query parameter): The ID of the user whose skills are to be retrieved.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the user's skills.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

POST Request

  • Description: Adds a new skill to a user's profile.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • name (string): The name of the skill.
      • userId (integer): The ID of the user to whom this skill belongs.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the newly created skill details.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

PUT Request

  • Description: Updates an existing skill.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • id (integer): The ID of the skill to be updated.
      • name (string): The updated name of the skill.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the updated skill details.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

DELETE Request

  • Description: Deletes a skill.
  • Request Body:
    • JSON object containing:
      • id (integer): The ID of the skill to be deleted.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the details of the deleted skill.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.

Get Profile URL


GET Request

  • Description: Retrieves the profile URL of a user based on the provided user ID.
  • Parameters:
    • userId (query parameter): The ID of the user whose profile URL is to be retrieved.
  • Success Response (200):
    • Content: JSON object containing the profile URL of the user.
  • Error Response (400):
    • Content: JSON object with an error message indicating a bad request.