
Code for "On the Complexity of Opinions and Online Discussions", WSDM 2019

Primary LanguagePython

On complexity of online discussions

This is the code accompanying the paper:

On complexity of online discussions. Utkarsh Upadhyay, Abir De, Aasish Pappu, Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez. WSDM, 2018.

The code is arranged as various scripts which do a variety of tasks which were used in the paper. The key scripts are:

  1. Determining whether a discussion has a given dimension: 2d_sat.py
  2. Filling in the comment-voter matrix using: 1. our proposed polynomial algorithm: SR_fill.py 2. Z3 embeddings: z3_fill.py 3. our proposed exact rank method: low-rank-completion.py 4. soft-impute: soft-impute.py
  3. Finding the embeddings for a partial binary matrix using Z3: matrix-Z3-embed.py


Usage: 2d_sat.py [OPTIONS] IN_FILE

  Reads data from IN_FILE with the following format:

        comment_tree_id, commenter_id, voter_id, vote_type
        1, 200, 3000, 1
        1, 201, 3000, -1

     or (in case of real data):

        r.reply_to        r.message_id    r.uid_alias     r.vote_type
        1         200     3000    UP
        1         201     3000    DOWN

  Outputs a CSV which contains whether the comment/article-tree had a sign-
  rank of 2 or not.

  Redirect output to a file to save it.

  --dims INTEGER                  What dimensional embedding to test for?
  --cpus INTEGER                  How many CPUs to use.
  --timeout INTEGER               Time after which to give up (ms).
  --real / --no-real              Assume format of real-data.
  --improve PATH                  Improve the results from the provided file.
                                  Will only run for `unknown` ids in the file.
  --context-id / --no-context-id  Use the context_id instead of
                                  comment_tree_id to group comments into
  --nrows INTEGER                 Number of rows from the CSV to read.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.



  Read M_partial from IN_MAT_FILE and fill in the matrix using SR. The vote
  at (i, j) will be removed before filling in the matrix. The resulting
  matrix will be saved at OP_MAT_FILE and the given LOO entry will be placed
  along with the original vote in OP_LOO_FILE.

  Additionally, the best guess for the Sign Rank will be placed in
  OP_SC_FILE along with the source node which results in that.

  -i INTEGER                    LOO i
  -j INTEGER                    LOO j
  --op-loo PATH                 Output path for the LOO.
  --seed INTEGER                Seed which was used to create this test-case.
  --min-avg / --no-min-avg      This flag will cause minimization of the
                                average SC instead of worst case SC. Is much
  --transpose / --no-transpose  Whether to transpose the matrix or not.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.



  Read M_partial from IN_MAT_FILE and fill in the matrix using Z3. The vote
  at (i, j) will be removed before filling in the matrix. The resulting
  matrix will be saved at OP_MAT_FILE and the given LOO entry will be placed
  along with the original vote in OP_LOO_FILE.

  -i INTEGER       LOO i
  -j INTEGER       LOO j
  --sat_2d TEXT    Is the matrix 2D-SAT w/o LOO?
  --sat_1d TEXT    Is the matrix 1D-SAT w/o LOO?
  --seed INTEGER   Seed which was used to create this test-cast.
  --guess INTEGER  Whether to use the given guess {-1, +1} for doing LOO
                   prediction; 0 means no guessing.
  --help           Show this message and exit.


Usage: low-rank-completion.py [OPTIONS] IN_MAT_FILE

  Read M_partial from IN_MAT_FILE and optimize the embeddings to maximize
  the likelihood under the logit model.

  --dims INTEGER              The dimensionality of the embedding.
  --seed INTEGER              The random seed to use for initializing
                              matrices, in case initial values are not given.
  --suffix TEXT               Suffix to add before saving the embeddings.
  --init-c-vecs TEXT          File which contains initial embedding of c_vecs.
  --init-v-vecs TEXT          File which contains initial embedding of v_vecs.
  -i INTEGER                  Which i index to LOO.
  -j INTEGER                  Which j index to LOO.
  --alpha FLOAT               Bound on the spikiness of M.
  --sigma FLOAT               What is the variance of (logistic) noise to add.
  --lbfgs / --no-lbfgs        Whether to use LBFGS instead of BFGS.
  --loo-output TEXT           Where to save the LOO output.
  --loo-only / --no-loo-only  Whether to only save the LOO output or whether
                              to save the complete recovered matrix.
  --uv / --no-uv              Whether to impose the alpha constraint on both U
                              and V or on U.V^T.
  --verbose / --no-verbose    Verbose output.
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


Usage: soft-impute.py [OPTIONS] IN_MAT_FILE

  Read M_partial from IN_MAT_FILE and complete the matrix using soft-impute

  --dims INTEGER              The dimensionality of the embedding.
  --seed INTEGER              The random seed to use for initializing
                              matrices, in case initial values are not given.
  --suffix TEXT               Suffix to add before saving the embeddings.
  -i INTEGER                  Which i index to LOO.
  -j INTEGER                  Which j index to LOO.
  --loo-output TEXT           Where to save the LOO output.
  --loo-only / --no-loo-only  Whether to only save the LOO output or whether
                              to save the complete recovered matrix.
  --verbose / --no-verbose    Verbose output.
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


Usage: matrix-Z3-embed.py [OPTIONS] MAT_FILE

  Read the partial matrix in MAT_FILE and save embeddings for the file to
  `mat_file.commenters` and `mat_file.voters` file.

  --dim INTEGER      What dimension to use while splitting matrix.
  --timeout INTEGER  What timeout to use (minutes).
  --help             Show this message and exit.


These python packages are required:

  • click
  • cvxpy
  • dccp
  • numpy
  • decorated_options
  • seaborn
  • z3-solver
  • networkx
  • pqdict
  • fancyimpute

All of these can be installed using pip while some of them are available on conda (preferred). If using pip, the requirements.txt file in the code folder will be helpful.