
Data Stream Development with Apache Spark, Kafka, and Spring Boot

This is the code repository for article at linkedin. It contains all the supporting project files.

Technical Requirements

This course has the following software requirements:
Java 8 Kafka MongoDB Java compatible IDE

Environment Setup

This setup uses Kafka, Mongo and Java (1.8). Make sure you have all those available to you.

To get help with Kafka setup visit

For mongo setup , refer to

Kafka Setup:

Start Zookeeper and Kafka Broker server. If you are using service offering from your enterprise, make sure you are connected to the appropriate instances. Create a topic named ‘rsvpTopic’ on your kafka cluster. (following command for local zookeeper and kafka broker) ./bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic rsvpTopic

Mongo Setup

  • Creat a mongo database named 'rsvpDB' and create ‘capped’ collection named ‘meetups’ in rsvpDB.

It consists of three projects.

CollectSendToKafka: This program acts as a collector. It reads the input stream from the MeetupRSVP and send it to Kafka.

SparkKafkaToMongo: Reads the message from Kafka queue, processes it and inserts the final output in to MongoDB.

MongoReactiveWebSSE: It consists of a web page that uses a server sent event to display contents of MongoDB on MAP UI as they become available.