
Note :


  • npx - package runner
  • create-react-app - tool to build our project

JXS (Javascript syntax extension)

  • These are used to insert dynamic javascript in react component with HTML.
  • you can use jsx within the curly braces

In react you can make 2 types of compoenent

  • class based component
  • function based component


  • We don't wanna NavBar inside the app compoenent
  • App.js will lay the structure for our application.
  • Break the website into different component.
    1. Header component 2. Todos component 3. Todo Component

Concepts of Props

  • Pass props in the parameter.
  • What is Props? props is javascript object, that we pass from parent component to child component.
  • In this example we are passing title from parent component from parent to child component using props.

DefaultProps & PropsType

Proptype :

  • These are used to make code robust.
  • Used to debug easily.

Example :

  Header.propTypes = {
    title : PropTypes.string


  • When user forget to mention default props, then default props override the value.

Example :

  Header.defaultProps = {
    title : "You're title is here"