I built this project during my high school. See Description.pdf for more information.

The library management system is a software that replaces manual work in a library. The software helps to add and update book status in real time, unlike library records that are maintained manually. Users can easily lend and return books, LMS facilitates easy searching of books by users and access information about them. Users can also search for other users. Signup, login and logout features for users, prevent access of account by third parties. Admin privileges allow users to add, update and delete books. They can also view other user’s lending history and check for unreturned books. The electronic management via the software is essential to track information like issue date, due date, who has borrowed any material, etc. The system is developed and designed with an aim to facilitate efficient management to the schools to manage a modern library with accurate data management. The modern day libraries has dynamic functionality, and in the modern world there is no place for error.

The project utilizes mySQL and python connectivity to promote security of transactions alongside the convenience of the high level interface of python.